BioEclosion is a young company resulting from the efforts of its founders and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Born in 2016, its main objective is the development and production of new diagnotic devices based on last generation Biosensors
Chief Executive Officer
He is the cofounder and Chief Executive Officer at Company, Spain. He is Ph.D. in Biomedicine and a degree in Biotechnology and Biochemistry from Autonomous University of Barcelona. At 2014, he joined Envigo for two years where he became a pre-clinical stutdy director highly experienced in GLP compliance. Since 2016, he has been working in BioEclosion and as Assistant Professor in Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is currently finishing a MBA at Escuela de Administración de Empresas (EAE).
She is the cofounder of the company, Spain. She is currently a tenure-track Professor at the UAB. She holds the B.A. degree in Biochemistry. She received her Ph.D. in chemistry in 2002. Her expertise is the design of hand-held, user-friendly, low cost analytical instrumentation, with more than 120 publications in this topic, and funded by the National Programme of Biotechnology (BIO93-0635, BIO-0981- E, BIO96-0740, BIO2000-0681, BIO2004-02776, BIO2007- 63300, BIO2010-17566, BIO2013-41242, BIO2016-75751- R) beside other European and international programs. Relevant data are the h-index (32), 8 supervised doctoral dissertations (3 with honors) and 7 ongoing doctoral thesis. Dr. Pividori was principal investigator of 14 research projects and invited speaker in 25 conferences.

Founded in 2017, Addenda Capital, A.V. It is an independent investment advisory entity focused on the financial planning of individuals and families and financial advice to companies. Addenda is originated in 2015 with the incorporation of AMFS Capital Partners, S.L. The objective and cornerstone of Addenda Group is the estate planning developed by Addenda AVSA, although Addenda Group was born with the aim of covering other areas of business advice activity such as: entrepreneurship, mergers, acquisitions, sale of companies, search for partners, strategic developments, alliances, succession processes in the company and other similar special situations, and all this with a marked social commitment.

In recent years, the UAB has seen recognition for its efforts in attracting international talent, in promoting entrepreneurship and in obtaining a growing impact in research, together with a progressive improvement in its classifications in the most prestigious and influential international rankings. Thus, the UAB is well as occupying an outstanding position among Spanish universities.